* | This application helps to manage the car trip information for the required time duration, Car working conditions are updated, the Car owners manage the vehicle services record, and the Total kilometers of the trip are recorded in the car history. |
ERPNext trial demo without Custom app (* Is Free):
If you want the ERPNext trial demo, go to the below link and set up free 14 days trial demo.
Note: You can use only frappe-related apps.
ERPNext trial demo with Custom app (* Not Free):
If you want the App Trial Demo, then follow step:
- Please go to the frappe cloud site and log in to it.
https://frappecloud.com/dashboard/login- Creating a new bench on frappe cloud.
Note: As per frappe cloud's new policy, they can't provide the custom publisher app on the trial version. So If you want to trial the demo for the app then, please choose a one-month plan your according.
- A car can be booked in advance for the trip
- Trip start location and end location distance recorder with kilometer
- Car new trip starts with odometer kilometer noted
- Car registrations details are tracked
- Car services record are maintained
- Car driver details record with a name and license number.
- Availability of the car can be Tracked
- The registration process of cars is tracked with different stages.
- Vehicle specification details like, the company make, model, License plate, chassis number, seat Number, Doors number, Color, Model year Fuel type, Horsepower, and records are maintained
- Car Contract details are recorded with the history
- The car was removed from operations automatically as the contract of the car expired.
- Odometer details are updated automatically based on the ride done by the driver or updated odometers record
- Customers can not book the car trip while the car is in the reserved stage.
- Once the Car trip is done, the car is automatically available for the new trip.
- An approver can only approve the reservation of the car.
- Car Reservation Details
- Contract Details
- Vehicle Information
- Driver Details
- Car Service Details
Car Repair Management-V14
$ 220.00