* | Gym Management allows managing equipment, register member, measurement History, membership, trainer, trainer attendance, workout/diet plan, assign workout/diet schedule, gym meeting/events, and appointments. Gym Management also manages reports, dashboards, and workspace. |
ERPNext trial demo without Custom app (* Is Free):
If you want the ERPNext trial demo, go to the below link and set up free 14 days trial demo.
Note: You can use only frappe-related apps.
ERPNext trial demo with Custom app (* Not Free):
If you want the App Trial Demo, then follow step:
- Please go to the frappe cloud site and log in to it.
https://frappecloud.com/dashboard/login- Creating a new bench on frappe cloud.
Note: As per frappe cloud's new policy, they can't provide the custom publisher app on the trial version. So If you want to trial the demo for the app then, please choose a one-month plan your according.
📢 For Version 13,
First needs to install ERPNext app. After then install the Gym Management app.
📢 For Version 14,
First needs to install ERPNext, Frappe HR and Frappe Non-Profit app. After then install the Gym Management app.
If need more requirements on the app or addon features on the app then contact us at contact@solufy.in or https://www.solufyerp.com/contact-us
As per requirements, if possible feature requests, we will develop them.
Features of Gym Management
➤ Equipment
- Manage gym equipment with a gym exercise type and set them as out of service or maintenance.
➤ Gym Exercise & Gym Exercise Type
- Configure various exercises, and add the steps to be followed and their benefits.
- Also, attach images and video links of the Exercise for better understanding.
Member Setup:
➤ Registered Member & Registered Member Type
- Manage all registered gym members with registered member types.
- A New registered members create for first creates a lead then convert it into an opportunity then makes a registered member otherwise also creates a member directly.
➤ Measurement History
- Measurement History with BMI and BMR calculation
- Efficiently track the body measurement growth of the member.
- Also, automatically set in measurement history in Registered Member.
➤ Member for Membership & Membership Type
- Create a new membership for the member and also generate an invoice for the membership member.
- Manager members with membership type and its details.
- Manage membership type with the amount.
Trainer Setup:
➤ Trainer & Trainer Skill
- Easily manage gym trainers, and categorize the trainers according to their skills.
- Also, manage attendance system and trainer skills.
- You can define department-wise trainer.
Workout Management:
➤ Workout Plan
- Manage Workout, gym exercise, No of days plan.
- Also, assign workout plans via a button and also create them via connection in the dashboard.
➤ Assign Workout Schedule
- Easily assign a workout plan to the member.
- The end date will be automatically calculated according to the plan you configure.
- Set a trainer in Schedule time.
Diet Management:
➤ Food Item & Diet Meal
- Configure food items along with their nutritive value.
- Create customized diet meals based on the intervals along with the quantity to be taken.
➤ Diet Plan
- Select multiple diet meals and can plan a diet routine for gym members.
- Manage multiple diet meals and total days of diet plan.
➤ Assign Diet Schedule
- Easily assign a diet plan to the member.
- The end date will be automatically calculated according to the plan you configure.
- Set a trainer in Schedule time.
Gym Events/Meetings & Appointments:
- Manage gym Events/Meetings.
- Also, appointments are set according to the Event/Meeting.
- Measurement Analysis
- Workout Schedule Analysis
- Diet Schedule Analysis
- Expiring Memberships
- Gym Events/Meetings
- Measurement Analysis
Gym Management-V13
$ 350.00