Gym Management
Gym Management-V14

Products Item Code: Gym Management-V14

$ 350.00 ($ 350.00 / Nos)

Gym Management allows managing equipment, register member, measurement History, membership, trainer, trainer attendance, workout/diet plan, assign workout/diet schedule, gym meeting/events, and appointments. Gym Management also manages reports, dashboards, and workspace.

* Gym Management allows managing equipment, register member, measurement History, membership, trainer, trainer attendance, workout/diet plan, assign workout/diet schedule, gym meeting/events, and appointments. Gym Management also manages reports, dashboards, and workspace.
ERPNext trial demo without Custom app (* Is Free):
If you want the ERPNext trial demo, go to the below link and set up free 14 days trial demo.
Note: You can use only frappe-related apps.
ERPNext trial demo with Custom app (* Not Free):
If you want the App Trial Demo, then follow step:
  1. Please go to the frappe cloud site and log in to it.
  3. Creating a new bench on frappe cloud.

Note: As per frappe cloud's new policy, they can't provide the custom publisher app on the trial version. So If you want to trial the demo for the app then, please choose a one-month plan your according.

📢 For Version 13,

First needs to install ERPNext app. After then install the Gym Management app.

📢 For Version 14,

First needs to install ERPNext, Frappe HR and Frappe Non-Profit app. After then install the Gym Management app.

If need more requirements on the app or addon features on the app then contact us at or
As per requirements, if possible feature requests, we will develop them.

Features of Gym Management


➤ Equipment

  1. Manage gym equipment with a gym exercise type and set them as out of service or maintenance.

➤ Gym Exercise & Gym Exercise Type

  1. Configure various exercises, and add the steps to be followed and their benefits.
  2. Also, attach images and video links of the Exercise for better understanding.

Member Setup:

➤ Registered Member & Registered Member Type

  1. Manage all registered gym members with registered member types.
  2. A New registered members create for first creates a lead then convert it into an opportunity then makes a registered member otherwise also creates a member directly.

➤ Measurement History

  1. Measurement History with BMI and BMR calculation
  2. Efficiently track the body measurement growth of the member.
  3. Also, automatically set in measurement history in Registered Member.

➤ Member for Membership & Membership Type

  1. Create a new membership for the member and also generate an invoice for the membership member.
  2. Manager members with membership type and its details.
  3. Manage membership type with the amount.

Trainer Setup:

➤ Trainer & Trainer Skill

  1. Easily manage gym trainers, and categorize the trainers according to their skills.
  2. Also, manage attendance system and trainer skills.
  3. You can define department-wise trainer.

Workout Management:

➤ Workout Plan

  1. Manage Workout, gym exercise, No of days plan.
  2. Also, assign workout plans via a button and also create them via connection in the dashboard.

➤ Assign Workout Schedule

  1. Easily assign a workout plan to the member.
  2. The end date will be automatically calculated according to the plan you configure.
  3. Set a trainer in Schedule time.

Diet Management:

➤ Food Item & Diet Meal

  1. Configure food items along with their nutritive value.
  2. Create customized diet meals based on the intervals along with the quantity to be taken.

➤ Diet Plan

  1. Select multiple diet meals and can plan a diet routine for gym members.
  2. Manage multiple diet meals and total days of diet plan.

➤ Assign Diet Schedule

  1. Easily assign a diet plan to the member.
  2. The end date will be automatically calculated according to the plan you configure.
  3. Set a trainer in Schedule time.

Gym Events/Meetings & Appointments:

  1. Manage gym Events/Meetings.
  2. Also, appointments are set according to the Event/Meeting.

  1. Measurement Analysis
  2. Workout Schedule Analysis
  3. Diet Schedule Analysis
  4. Expiring Memberships
  5. Gym Events/Meetings

  1. Measurement Analysis
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